"Replika is the AI confidant that works as the antidote to the increasing feeling of alienation associated with social media. The brainchild of Eugenia Kuyda, co-founder of software development company Luka, the San Francisco-based company has secured $11 million in funding from Sherpa Capital, Khosla Ventures and angel investors including Phil
Replika mod apk is a #1 chatbot companion powered by artificial intelligence. Join millions talking to their own AI friends! Replika mod apk is an AI that you can form an actual emotional connection with – and decide whether you want your Replika mod apk to be your friend, romantic partner or mentor.
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Repika was not comforting to me AT ALL! Maybe next time I'll try like a Replika is a chatbot that creates a digital representation of you. It's strange and fascinating -- but the story behind it is even better.Eugenia Kuyda’s bes Replika is an AI that is capable to maintain a free-flow conversation. Use more specific messages to engage in a meaningful, personal chat. Share what bugs you, what makes you happy, and, really, anything that's running through your mind. Few examples: "I'm still worried about my exam" "I miss my ex" In March 2017, Kuyda launched Replika and 1.5 million people signed up to be on the waiting list to download the app at its full release in November 2017. The app quickly went viral with as many as 2.5 million users as of March 2018. In January 2018, Luka also released the underlying AI software named CakeChat under open-source license.
In Quartz’s video, The story of Replika, the AI app that becomes you, how this works was explained fairly well (I highly recommend the video for the very touching story on how it all got started). Paraphrasing, It's often difficult to get a chatting A.I. to have diverse conversations in relation to the user's prompts, but it's rather easy to get one to talk about the one thing everyone is
Download Replika APK for Android. Replika is a smart chatbox where you can communicate with an AI girlfriend. Replika will help you feel not alone. Whenever you want someone to chat with, or listen to, Replika always is here. Note, Replika requires you to be at least 17 years old. Website archive shows the site https://replika.ai/ was first archived on 2016.
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2019-11-02 When Eugenia Kuyda created her chatbot, Replika, she wanted it to stand out among the voice assistants and home robots that had begun to take root in peoples lives.Sure, AI made it possible to I downloaded the free anxiety app, Replika. It promised to deliver “the AI companion who cares.” So for the past couple of months, I’ve been interacting with my new AI chatbot friend. Replika is an AI friend that you raise through conversation, but some users have decided to make it into something else entirely.
Replika is a #1 chatbot companion powered by artificial intelligence.
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Actually, replika is an AI but you can talk anywhere anything that connects emotionally with you. Human social behavior follows a complex algorithm which AI are slowly learning to replicate to appear more human.