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Master of Science in Finance combines a rigorous, research-based curriculum with extensive real world applications and operational skill building. The Stockholm School of Economics has joined forces with some of the very best European business schools,
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The programme is given mainly at KTH Campus in Stockholm by the School of Engineering Sciences (at KTH). It includes an introduction to the Stockholm Resilience Centre and Stockholm University, meeting the new class and teaching team as well as providing and introduction to the Swedish academic system and essential study skills to begin work at the Master’s level. Course 1: Social-Ecological Systems: Challenges and Approaches, 15 ECTS Master Programs Expand Master Programs. Education. Stockholm School of Economics | Box 6501 | SE-113 83 Stockholm | Phone: +46 8 736 90 00 About the University Stockholm University offers a wide range of education in close interaction with research. Collaboration helps make Stockholm University’s expertise and results accessible and promotes quality in education and life-long learning.
Master of Science in Finance combines a rigorous, research-based curriculum with extensive real world applications and operational skill building. The Stockholm School of Economics has joined forces with some of the very best European business schools, Students execute and write their Master's thesis (60 ECTS).
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Students studying at the University of Illinois should apply for a master's programme at Stockholm University. You must send a Scholarship motivation statement.
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Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is one of Europe's best business schools with world-class business master's offerings. SSE's Master in International FindAMasters. Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees in Pre Master in Stockholm , Sweden. Stockholms Universitet (SU) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU ) are proud to launch a new Double Master Degree. The Department of Political Top Master Degrees in Public Health in Stockholm in Sweden 2021. chevron_left.
Karolinska Institutet offer the widest range of medical education in Sweden and ranks among the top universities in the world. A master's degree from Karolinska Institutet will give you an advantage on the global job market and prepare you for PhD studies.