The Leica CM3600 XP is the cryomacrotome for whole- body sectioning of animals, primarily used in quantitative investigation of the effect of labeled compounds,.
Introducing the Leica RTC360 - An efficient 3D reality capture solution combining a high-performance laser scanner and mobile-device app to automatically pre-register scans in the field. LEARN MORE > Registrera dig / Logga in
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 United States. Office Phone: +1 844 534 2262. Fax: +1 847-236-3009 Introducing the Leica RTC360 - An efficient 3D reality capture solution combining a high-performance laser scanner and mobile-device app to automatically pre-register scans in the field. LEARN MORE > Registrera dig / Logga in Leica Biosystems Division of Leica Microsystems Inc. 1700 Leider Lane.
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Rankin Warehouse stocks hundreds of new and used STP 120; Tissue embedding center- Thermo/Microm Shandon Histocenter 3; Vibrotome - Leica VT1000P; Floatation Workstation Smart Waterbath- TBS-FWS. The Leica EG1160 is a paraffin embedding station.
Microscope Camera for Basic Microscopy Leica EC4. The Leica EC4 color camera is a powerful, easy-to-use, tool for entry level documentation applications. The Leica EC4 is an affordable digital HD color microscope camera that produces excellent images. Its 3.3 megapixel CMOS sensor offers fast, real-time imaging of up to 24 frames per second.
Leica Biosystems RM2245. Semi-Automated Rotary Microtome. The RM2245 is a semi-motorized rotary microtome, designed for routine and research applications in histopathology and industrial quality assurance laboratories.
Leica Biosystems Division of Leica Microsystems Inc. 1700 Leider Lane. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 United States. Office Phone: +1 844 534 2262. Fax: +1 847-236-3009
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Leica Biosystems Division of Leica Microsystems Inc. 1700 Leider Lane. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 United States.
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The Leica EG1160 is a paraffin embedding station. Compact and easy to use, the EG1160 embedding system uses an integrated filter to ensure constant,
Fully Automated Rotary Microtome, Leica, RM2255. Histocenter-Skandinaviskt Centrum för Histoteknik AB. 031495051. Lergöksgatan 10.
Factory trained embedding center instrument repair.Offering repairs, calibration, service contracts and preventative maintenance service. Servicing Leica
We are sole distributor for Leica Microsystems, Leica Biosystems, Eppendorf, Diatome, ibidi, Elitech Bädda vävnaderna i paraffin med hjälp av en HistoCentre III inbäddning station. Critical point dryer, Balzers CPD, Leica Microsysstems Inc, Buffalo Grove, IL, Shandon Histocentre™ 3 Tissue Embedding Center, Thermo Fisher, B64100010. Fully Automated Rotary Microtome, Leica, RM2255. Histocenter-Skandinaviskt Centrum för Histoteknik AB. 031495051.
The RM2245 is a semi-motorized rotary microtome, designed for routine and research applications in histopathology and industrial quality assurance laboratories. Manual sectioning is enhanced by a high-precision motorized specimen feed, which results in efficient operation with maximum Leica HistoCore Arcadia The HistoCore Arcadia modular tissue embedding system incorporates two separate components, the Arcadia H heated embedding module and the Arcadia C cold plate .